What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, a process used by web pages within internet search engines to position themselves in the first search results that a user obtains. The main search engine that companies seek to optimize is Google, which has “robots” specialized in reading the content of a web page and throwing it into the top positions of its results.


A web search engine works through the execution of two steps: a crawling task in which it uses robots to search for links to other websites and an indexing, where it groups, orders and displays links according to their content, authority and relevance. The algorithms that these pages use are the computer processes that decide which pages appear earlier or later in search results. Google calls these robots spiders.


The key to optimizing your website and getting it ready for search engines comes down to the following scheme:

1. Website analysis.

Make sure your website is attractive, has helpful hyperlinks, and loads properly. If your page takes more than 6 seconds to load, it is likely that you will lose your user’s attention.

2. Observe the competition.

Identify what are the characteristics of other pages that offer content similar to yours. What are your mistakes, what are your successes? Take this observation as a reference and make your portal stand out for its originality and efficiency.

3. Keyword study.

SEO works through the most searched words that are related to the content offer that your website has. Suppose you have a blog where you write thoughts and literature of your own. You could use the keyword poems so that when a Google user types it, your site is more likely to appear as an option.

4. Meta tag optimization.

They are those words that are related to a search at the programming level. In the blog example, it could be love, thoughts, writing, online poetry, and so on.

5. Optimize content.

Create original content! Avoid ‘copy and paste’, structure dynamic and novel information that stands out from the rest. Plagiarism is one of the main reasons why the Google spider might not pick your page as a relevant result.

6. Link building.

It refers to the construction of the links on your website. Make sure your keyword is inside the URL and in the navigation buttons (hyperlinks).

Let’s say my business is a flower shop called Little Petals that specializes in roses. The words that my clients can find my business with are: flower shop, roses shop, red roses. My website URL must include at least one keyword: http://www.flowershop.com or http://www.rosesshop.com and the navigation buttons should include shop, flowers, ect.

To get expert advice and a tailored strategy, consider reaching out to QuarkHive for professional SEO services.


The essential characteristic of SEO is that it works with organic results, which means that the positioning is done for free. SEM is the counterpart of SEO, it stands for Search Engine Marketing and offers the option of appearing within the first search results as a paid advertisement.

To conclude, it is necessary to mention that the correct position of your website depends on the content strategy you are using, as well as the good management you give to the budget of your investment in online promotion. This means that a useful strategy is to consider positioning through SEM and later replace it with organic results.

Remember that the key is to provide your readers with the most relevant and best-presented content you have and choose the words that will make them find you before anyone else!